Posted in Անգլերեն, Ընդհանուր

Cooking salad

Վերիշագինա 4`   մաս 1,

<<Cooking salad>> էջ 27 կարդալ։

Պատասխանեք հարցերին /գրավոր և բանավոր/ տեսանկարիր, թե ինչպես ես պատրաստում աղցան։

Do you have any favourite salad?
Yes, I do.
What vegetables are there in your favourite salad?
In my favourite salad there are cucumber, tomato
Can you say the recipe for that salad?
Do you like cooking?
Yes I like cooking.

Հետևյալ նախադասությունները դարձրեք հարցական և ժխտական:

I am very sorry.
Am I very sorry. ?
I am not very sorry.
They want to say goodnight.
Do they want to say goodnight.?
They don’t want to say goodnight.
I come to my father’s room.
Do I come to my father’s room.
I don’t come to my father’s room.
He usually says.
Does he usually say.?
He doesn’t usually say.
It is an interesting book.
Is It an interesting book.
It is not an interesting book.
There are many papers on the table.
Are there many papers on the table.
There are not many papers on the table.